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Joomla 3.2 Versions ToolJoomla has come out with a new tool for their content management system called "Versions" which simply put, is a way to roll back previous changes to your content articles, categories or components. All most everything on the Joomla website can be rolled back to a previous saved version. As time moves on, more and more components will adopt this type of functionality for compatibility reasons as well as more extensibility within the Joomla CMS itself. This is an awesome feature and will drastically reduce development time for non-savvy Joomla users.

How to use Joomla's Content Versioning Feature?

There are a couple of things we need to do first before we start using this new feature. If you are installing a fresh version of Joomla 3.2 you do not have to do anything to start using the Joomla Version feature. However, if you have recently upgraded to Joomla 3.2 this functionality has to be turned on.

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